creative company
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Tipsy Grandma is an arcade endless runner mobile app. In the game, the player takes the role of an old lady under the influence who wants to make it to some liquor. The objective is to help her cross the street and avoid chaotic vehicles, police, drones, and explosions.

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Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Skye and Xion are
siblings and business partners. Two individuals who
believe in exploring different realms of creativity without
limitation. Kids that grew up immersing themselves in
different mediums of art searching for ways to express
themselves… looking for ways to escape. They believe
creating is about channeling pure love and authenticity…
It's about connection.

Xion is now studying to get his computer science degree at The Georgia Institute of Technology while primarily focusing on video game creation and animation. Skye is a mixed media artist/designer, filmmaker, writer (the list goes on) who graduated with a degree in filmmaking and plans to keep doing whatever she wants until she dies.

SXPC is a creative studio… our website serves as a digital
portfolio and journal of our creations and progress.

If you’re confused…good…keep scrolling… and please
enjoy yourself.

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